Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Max Weber †Bureaucracy Essay

Describe the principles of organisation (sometimes known as the ‘classical organisations principles’) in a bureaucracy. What are the pros and cons of working in a bureaucracy? What was Max Weber’s contribution to the study of bureaucracy? At the beginning of the 20th Century, after the industrial revolution began, theories of classical management began to emerge. The industrial revolution was a massive turning point in history and the economic market was transformed for the better. The world average capita increased over tenfold (Maddison, Angus. The World Economy: Historical statistics, 2003). With the increase in the average income, there was an increase in jobs. The downside to this was that managers had a bigger workforce to deal with and were unsure how to train them and deal with them professionally and effectively. Henri Faylor was considered to be the founder of the classical school of organisation. In 1916, he constructed 14 principles or organisation that could be applied worldwide and in all workplaces. His 14 principles are as follows: 1: Division of labour- allocate tasks to specific workers, and then they know their job 2: Authority- Management are in charge and give orders 3: Discipline- employees listen to these orders 4: Unity of command- only one superior gives orders 5: Unity of direction- One manager, one plan 6: Subordination of Individual Interests to the general interests- Business comes first and foremost 7: Remuneration- Fair wage to all workers 8: Centralisation- the allocated decision makers 9: Scalar chain- communication goes through the chain of command 10: Order- allocated place for employees and materials 11: Equity- kindness and fairness from employer to staff 12: Stability of tenure of personnel- keep staff turnover to a low 13: Imitative- praise and reward employees who carry out tasks without being asked 14: Espirit de corps – keep team moral high Faylor, along with Max Weber studied management roles and believed they  found a revolutionary way in which managers should behave in the workplace, train and react towards their staff to increase productivity, therefore profits. Their theories and principles (though have been tweaked and slightly updated) have lasted the test of time and are still being used in many workplaces today. There are three assumptions based on the classical theory 1-The relationship between employees and management is defined by means of formal structured communication process, defined tasks, defined accountability, and formalised procedures and practices, defined tasks, defined accountability, and formalised procedures and practices to avoid any conflict in their relationship. 2-Workers have been treated as economic man who can be motivated by means of money only. 3-Workers have been considered as a product of means of production or as a cog in the wheel. (International Research Journal of Finance and E conomics-Issue 41, pg 61, 2010) The theories and principles of classic management play a major part in bureaucracy. The rules and guidelines of bureaucracy are very clear and can be identified easily. The higher up in the company you are, the more power and authority you have. The lower you are placed in the company; you will have little to no authority. The principles of bureaucracy are as follows 1- Hierarchy of authority: Managers sit at the top of the hierarchy. They give orders and commands and their subordinates must obey. 2-Unity of command: each member of staff deal with one superior and only one! They will deal with this superior for all reasons concerning work – tasks, problems etc 3-Task specialisation: workers with specialised knowledge will use this to carry out specialised tasks. 4-Responsibilities and job descriptions: Each employee follows their allocated job. They know what is exactly required from them at work. 5-Line and staff functions: Staff managers are there to serve the company and to help make it a success. Staff mangers are not there to carry out primary purposes. (DuBrin, Andrew, Essentials of management, pg257, 2009) Max Weber’s part in classical management is very much geared towards bureaucracy and believed its the most efficent way to organise a successful business. Weber felt that too many businesses were being ran on a personal level and that owners/managers should not treat their staff as friends, but  their attitude towards their subordinates should be strictly professional. Weber argued that a professional relationship would not only be beneficial to the buisness, but also to the staff. Staff would know their job role clearly and any promotions made would be given to members of staff based on their hard work ethic and not on their personality or personal relationship with the the employer. Weber outlined the charcteristics of bureaucracy as follows: 1-A continuous organisation of official functions are bound by rules. 2-Specialised – Staff know exactly what is expected of the. 3-A clearly defined hierachy of offices- Each official knows who to report to. 4-Rules – a re clear and all members of staff are made aware of them. 5-Impersonal- equality to all. No hatred or favourtism. 6-Free selection of appointed officials- officials are appointed through qualifications and not through bias or favour. 7-Full-time paid officials- the higher the hirearchy rank, the higher the pay. 8-Career officials- promotions is based only on merit and not by favour. 9-Private/public split – business and private life are completely seperate. 10-Discipline and control within the workplace. ( Bureaucracy made modern civilisation possible (DuBrin, Andrew, Management essentials, 2012, pg265) Bureaucracy is severely required in large firms – without it there would not be structure and therefore the businesses would not run in an orderly manner, therefore would not thrive and expand. Without expanding businesses we would not have the privilidge of such advanced technologies, certain medicines and many other luxuries we all enjoy today. Labour is divided out in a bureaucracy, therfore all staff members know there job and what is exactly expected of them. If an employee is good at their job, it gives them confidence in what they’re doing, therefore makes them more at ease within their workplace. Rules and guidelines are explained to them from the outset, so discrepancies are generally kept to a minimum. As I outlined before, bureaucracy allows those within a workplace to be promoted on the basis of their skills and work ethic rather than being promoted because of their personality or  personal relationship with higher management. Weber highly advocated his principles, but he was also aware that it would not be without fault. He even pointed out a fault of bureaucracy himself – â€Å"Iron cageof control†. This refers to Weber’s feelings that when individuals work within a bureaucracy, they get â€Å"trapped in a system that is purely based on teleological effeiceny, rational calculation and control† ( Weber’s views on bureacracy have also come under scrutiny from fellow sociologists. Argytis (1957) argued that people who follwed classical management theories were more likely to be unhappy and fail within the workplace. He felt that people working within a democracy are treated like children, they work to a short term perspective and have minimal control over their working lives – adults don’t respond well to being treated this way at work and therfore will not respond well towards the company/business. Another disadvantage of working in a democrac y is what is referred to as ‘Red Tape’. This refers to all the paperwork and procedures that is required when working in a demococracy. Weber’s views were that this negative impact was not meant to be included in his theories. When a bereacratic form has been implimented within a workplace, its very hard to remove, so therefore employers who wish to change the dynamics of their business and get away from a bureacratic form may find this a very lenghtly and costly process to do so. Generally, companies want their staff to use their time at work produtively and effectively – time is wasted in a bureaucracy as the chain of command is used, therefore employees speak to their senior, who then report to theirs and so forth. If an employee were able to go straight to the manager in charge, this would save time and money – profit in a company is crucial to keep it running. There are two main types of organisation structure. The flat structure and the tall structure. The flat structure represents organisations with few levels in the hierarchy which have a broad control span, as opposed to the tall structure which has more levels however more focused areas of control. There are many benefits of the flat structure. As there are fewer hierarchical levels there is less ‘administrative distance’ between grades which makes communication a lot easier. It also makes the organisation a  lot more personal without contradicting Weber’s principle of keeping professional relationships. Also, as the span of control is so vast it is vital to employ competent employees to ensure a smooth operational process, resulting in a better workforce and meeting business objectives. However the main disadvantage of this structure is perhaps the authoritarian structure itself. In order for this structure to function properly there must be a definite split between superiors and suborinates otherwise the authority levels are undermined. Group conflicts are more likely in a â€Å"them versus us† situation, and if a manager socialises with their staff they are merging the statuses of the groups. Communications between subordinates often become a problem, as there is no difference in authority between the grades. Then there is the tall structure, which many people often prefer because of the number of hierarcical levels. This gives more scope for promotion prospects which in turn generates a motivated workforce. Certain orginisations require this form of structure, one of the best examples being the military and its rank structure. It has many levels of authority, which is more effective when dealing with instant decisions and rapid adaptations ‘on the ground’. Other organisations like this are the fire service, police and hospitals. So both structures have pros and cons, and work well in different situations. Whichever structure may fit the organisation better it is plain to see that a bureaucracy benefits it more than it would disadvantage it. Being in a bureaucracy is better for the company, and the staff within it, resulting in a better managed and motivated workforce which is turn increases productivity and professionalism. Bibliography DuBrin, Andrew. Essentials of management, 2009. DuBrin, Andrew. Essentials of management, 2012. International Research Journal of finance and economics – issue 41, 2010 Maddison, Angus. The World Economy Historical statistics, 2003 (visited site on 12/11/2012) (visited site on 12/11/2012 Word count including quotes and references-1722

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American industrial workers between 1865 and 1900 Essay

Between 1865 and 1900, American industry workers experienced both good and hard times. Labor Unions were forming, and these new creations often produced better lives for the workers. However, waves of immigrants were also coming into America, which resulted in the threat of job stability. Labor Unions and Immigration both had momentous effects upon the industry worker, for better or for worse. After the Civil War, which killed much of the working population, people began to appreciate their skills more and more due to the lack of human resources. Labor Unions began forming, demanding better pay, hours, and conditions. Labor Unions did receive some of what they bargained for, but their greatest gain was the augmented participation people began to take in expressing their convictions. Some of the prominent Labor Unions were the National Labor Union, organized in 1866, the Colored National Labor Union, the Knights of Labor, and the American Federation of Labor. Although these unions targeted different portions of American society (some included blacks, some didn’t, some were elitist, some were lower class†¦), they all had major goals in mind; all fought for reform in the American industrial workforce. The National Labor Union fought for the arbitration of industrial disputes and the eight hour workday. They were able to win the eight hour workday. The Knights of Labor, an esoteric, clandestine, group, campaigned for economic and social reform. They wanted producers’ cooperatives and codes for safety and health. They also fought for the eight hour workday. The American Federation of Labor sought better wages, hours, and working conditions. They also wanted the trade agreements. These Labor Unions negotiated with employers and held strikes, which gradually led employers to grant better lifestyles to the workers. The success in these Labor Unions lay not only in their arguments themselves, but in the myriad of strikes that occurred. Employers were often hurt financially by so many workers. Many employers simply realized that it would be more economical to make agreements with their workers than to engage in  warfare. By 1900, the public began to acquiesce the right of workers to organize, bargain collectively, and to strike. Labor Day was made a legal holiday by act of Congress in 1894. However, there were still many disagreements between the employers and Unions and constant battles were going on. Although Labor Unions were not immediately successful during this period, they were a significant stepping stone in that they encouraged the working class to become more vocal in their working circumstances. Labor Unions in this epoch however did achieve some changes, such as better wages, less hours, and a national holiday. These gains were small compared to the precedent the Unions set for Amer ica. Another aspect that had an important effect on the Industrial worker was immigration. After the Civil War, and even during the war itself, the US was increasingly becoming more and more populated. By the 1880s, Immigrants had come mainly from Western Europe. In the 1850s, the Chinese began to arrive in America. In the 1880s, the New Immigrants, Italians, Croats, Slovaks, Greeks, and Poles, began to immigrate into America. Workers met these new immigrants with hostility and scorn. The Chinese settled mainly in the West, so they were not a major concern for Industry workers at that time (Most workers worked in the factors on the East, whereas the Chinese were on the West). However, when the New Immigrants came to the country, the Industry workers were furious. Especially with the formation of Labor Unions, these workers claimed that the New Immigrants were willing to take jobs with much less pay, therefore taking many of the current jobs occupied by the middle and lower classes. Nativism was revived again as these New Immigrants came to America. Many people were worried that the US was losing its English influences and was becoming a mixture of inferior southern Europeans. Hence they upbraided these immigrants for the degradation of the urban government. Unions assailed them for their willingness to work for such low wage. Antiforeign organizations were revived, such as the American Protective Association which urged voting against Roman Catholic candidates for office. Workers argued that if American industry could be protected from foreign industry  (tariffs†¦etc), then American workers ought to be protected from foreign workers (Immigrants†¦etc.). Congress did pass immigration laws in 1882 due to the increased criticism to the government. It also passed a law in 1885 which prohibited the importation of foreign workers under contract. Thus, the new Immigrants took many jobs away from the old â€Å"native† Americans. Because these new immigrants were willing to take any wage, employers were able to offer jobs currently held by workers to the immigrants for lower wages. Thus the new immigrants were often mistreated and struggled to integrate into American society. However, one extremely important fact to remember is that the torrent of immigrants DID help the wealthy class. The employers did enjoy the cheap labor. Immigrants therefore, also helped create tension between the workers and their employees. Between 1865 and 1890, both Labor Unions and Immigration had distinct effects upon the American worker. Labor Unions aided the worker because they often helped fight for better conditions and wages. Immigration was bad for the workers, because it meant instability to their jobs, and many immigrants were treated with derision. Both situations increased the tension between workers and their employees. In this period, American workers experienced both good and hard times, due to the rapid changes in American society.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Marketing - Essay Example This marketing phenomenon of grouping the people is known as Market Segmentation. When speaking about market segmentation, the primary step before the segmentation takes place is determination of needs of the customers for which an extensive market research is essential. When one identifies the needs, masses then come under segregation into groups. In particular, segmentation can be based on various forms, out of which gender, price and interests are few of immense importance. Segmentation plays a prime role in facilitating the manufacturer to build the product to satisfy the demands of customers. If the segmentation is done efficiently, it will help in achieving huge gains compared to the budget set for marketing that will eventually result in success of the company (Croft, pp. 66-72, 1994). In addition, â€Å"the basis for market segmentation depends upon the type of product that a company is offering and may vary for business and individual customers. Segmentation can be possible in accordance to geography, demography, psychograph and behaviour, and the variables such as climate, region, population and population density come under geographic segmentation† (Cahill, pp. 35-59, 2006). ... 25-95, 1994) of the population; for example, standards of restaurants are set considering the financial statuses of the people. Individuals are also grouped depending on their lifestyles, attitudes, values, interests and activities (Weinstein, pp. 25-95, 1994) are a part of psychographic segmentation. It also refers to the hobbies and activities individuals are involved in their leisure time. In particular, behavioural segmentation comprise of usage rate, benefits sought and degree of loyalty/loyalty rate. This can be well explained via an example of mobile phone; people not only use this technology for its principal use that is to make calls but also use it as a device for entertainment and other features (Weinstein, pp. 25-95, 1994). With reference to the market segmentation and portraying a particular product for a group of individuals brought together, one of the important products that is of high importance in this era of technology is â€Å"A BlackBerry mobile phone†. Ac cording to some of the research studies, it has been an observation that this hi-tech versatile phone with a wide variety of applications in it has traditionally and explicitly been designed for business people who needed technology that could even work with wireless connectivity or internet connectivity whenever needed. Therefore, the demographic market segment should include the individuals of business community aging from 30 years to 50 years. The target audience with reference to geographical segmentation would include the developed countries like U.K. where the technology is of growing demand (Croft, pp. 75-83, 1994). Initially, it was not a common cellular phone but due to the recent popularity of the phone through its colourful applications and access to more social

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chippewas in the Early Twentieth Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chippewas in the Early Twentieth Century - Essay Example view of civilization into the American white mainstream assimilation. The Chippewa in twentieth century Indians’ experience in the reservations Reservation has been a fundamental feature in the Indian-American history during two centuries; for some Indians, it is a reminder of Euro-American colonialism where indigenous Americans were subjected to small camps and their lands taken away. The guiding principle for the reservation of indigenous people was that the American whites felt that they possessed the original right to that land and that indigenous people were to obtain it either through purchase or negotiations to form treaties and agreements. The federal government also used military force, conquest and discovery concept in order to incorporate indigenous groups into camps and, therefore, into the national fold.3 Reservations were recognized by the laws and in 1775, Indian affairs department was formed to deal with issues of Indians in the reserves. After the independence , a national policy of administration of Indians was adopted and this gave congress powers to trade, treaties, warfare over the Indians and then right to take away land of Indians. With those powers and privileges, the congress in 1778 formed Indian reservations through treaty/statute confining Indian tribes in specific boundaries.4 In the period of 1828-1838, over 90,000 Native Americans were forced to move to west of Mississippi river and gave the abandoned land to its white citizens. The native tribes (Indians) suffered population decrease since the federal government used force to relocate them, the small tribal governments they had were disrupted and as they tried to form tribal government in places where they settled, they were weakened. In 1916, the Chippewa were given Rocky boy Indian reservation, a large military reservation and portion of the Fort Assiniboine; while in the early twentieth century, they traded with the army officers and had no land since they had been displ aced by the white Americans. The reason behind the reservation of the Indian tribes was in two dimensions; the resources of the Native Americans could be exploited and at a minimum cost, and the reservations were a test of social engineering that were seen as a refuge institution for the endangered race and through it, they can be uplifted by assimilation and, indeed, the office of Indians established by congress promoted assimilation and breaking the notion of salvage life to civilized values through insisting on education, agricultural labor and development of finances, with this, the government perceived reservations as a controlled method of civilization through an agent (Indian office), thus, it was sanctioned.5 Some laws were made just for the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Electronic and Internet Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Electronic and Internet Public Relations - Essay Example It has now become a necessity to integrate computer-mediated communication (CMC) with the PR mix of an organization. In the field of PR, internet makes it possible to communicate with various key constituencies without the message being altered by the media. The traditional channels are eliminated and direct communication with the audience is possible. The proliferation of the internet has allowed easier and faster access to information by the people as more than 50% homes in the US and the UK are internet-connected (Holtz, 2006). The internet has moved beyond a one-way channel for information and the speed of the internet, interactivity and the crossing of national borders make it highly attractive to public relations practitioners as a communication strategy tool (Hurme, 2001). Internet is different from World Wide Web (WWW) because in the WWW it is possible to place the advertising material like the company balance sheets or annual reports or new releases (Jo & Jung, 2005). WWW can be used as a distribution channel to reduce or eliminate distribution costs for products. Consumers can browse through the website and extract information before purchasing a product or service but this is only a one-way communication. The Web has been bifurcated into three different braches due to the social and technological changes that have taken place. These include the reference web which typically gives out information to the surfers, the collaborative web – through which the users share information and becomes a publisher on the net. The third is the broadband web which has turned the web into an audio and video venue (Holtz, 2006). Internet has thus been exploited in different ways to build and enhance the PR that an organization wants to build. Internet as a tool for PR can enhance media relations, employee communication, government relations and customer relations, due to its interactive function

Overview of the iPhone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Overview of the iPhone - Research Paper Example It was a GSM phone and had a button placement that is now consistent. (iMore) After that followed seven more generations of the iPhone each accompanied by a major release of the iOS. One year and a half later iPhone released its second generation of 3G and reviewed the hardware .the phone also added GPS capabilities. Some of the hardware improvements for iPhone 3GS that included a faster processor and a camera with a high resolution capable of recording 480p video. However, the phone had a few problems with its charger but overall it managed to make massive sales. (iMore) After that, it saw the release of other iPhone 4 models. iPhone 4 featured a front camera to enable video calling, a higher resolution of 960 x 640 and a rear camera of 5megapixels with 720p video capture. iPhone 4S upgraded its hardware to A5 dual-core processor and an upgrade of the camera to 8 megapixels with the ability to record a 1080p video. A voice control scheme by the name of Siri was employed. The next release was iPhone 5 which was an improvement of the iPhone 4.The iPhone 5 had an A6 dual-core processor, hosted LTE (Long-Term Evolution) support and increased the display size to 4 inches. An improvement to the iPhone 5 was released by the name of iPhone 5S. It had an A7 64-bit dual processor and an upgraded camera with two LED flashes. A fingerprint scanner with touch id incorporated to the home button. iPhone 5C features a casing made of polycarbonate and a rear well-lit camera. Apples latest iPhone release is the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 has a screen size of 4.7inches while the iPhone 6 Plus has a screen of 5.5 inches. Both this models feature new A8 processor chip and motion coprocessors.

Friday, July 26, 2019

E Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

E Business - Essay Example This report will focus some major e-business concern that the Sage administration can use to assess the ROI on e-business implementation. The report will also focus various aspects of the business that will have a positive impact on adapting the suggested e-business model. Putting it simple Dave (2009, p. 4) states, â€Å"E-business has introduced new opportunities for small and large organizations to compete in the global market place.† The trend of using information in getting the competitive advantage is getting more and more acceptability by intelligent business managers. In a fast pace business environment today the intelligent use of information can provide an edge in decision making process. Business profitability heavily relies on the decisions that the management has to takes in nick of time. A good decision can bring more business to the company and a bad decision can play havoc with the business. The sell-side of boutique business has special concern for ensuring an d maximizing its item display management. Moreover, the emerging trends in fashion industry can have a very positive impact on decision making process. The increasing number of young online users is of special interest for boutique business as it can promote its business objectives rather easily by engaging this lot. Dave (2009, p. 4) has also pointed out this when he states, â€Å"In 2006, the global number of internet users passed 1 billion for the first time and in many countries over half the adult population is online.† The e-business model is a complete solution. It includes several internal and external system modules to cover the business operations. The internal system modules such as Human Resource Management (HRM), Finance, Stock Control or Inventory Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) etc and the external system modules such as Customer Care Management, Display Services, Orders Management, Trends Management System etc. form part of this e-business model. These internal and external systems are part of Knowledge Management (KM) system which provides decision support to the managers. Wei et. al.(2011, p. 235) has pointed out the use of this KM model, â€Å"By support of basic system modules, perfect KM could finish the process to collect, arrange, spread and apply the knowledge.† The e-business model for boutique is supposed to provide decision support through focused and targeted information for sell and buy side operations of the business. Some basic features and recommendations of such KM system are outlined in the following lines; (a) The system development phases should be properly outlined and a strict timeline should be followed for gradual migration on e-business information systems. (b) Priority should be assigned to the modules which have a direct impact on business growth. (c) E-sell (the selling side of the e-business) must offer the convenience that can move the customer to e-bu siness and customer should find it easy, effective and rapid to purchase goods online then coming all the way to boutique outlets. (d) E-sell order placement should be very convenient and proper feedback mechanism should be in place to keep close contact with the customer. (e) The objective of facilitating customer should remain the top priority of e-sell system and it functional aspect should not cause delay. (f) The customer time engagement should be minimized. (g) The minimal input required forms

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Middle East Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Middle East Final Exam - Essay Example This was followed by Christian anti-Semitism, which occurred in the middle epoch and was principally religious in nature. This was further followed by conventional or olden Muslim anti-Semitism, which was apparently nuanced due to the case of Jews being protected socially. Socio-political and economical anti-Semitism associated with Europe in the period of enlighten and post enlightenment which crafted the basis for racial anti-Semitism. Racial anti-Semitism was inculcated in the era of Nazism around the 19th century (Falk 5). Modern anti-Semitism has emerged lately and is acknowledged as fresh anti-Semitism. However, in our study, we will deal with the anti-Semitism occurring in the 19th century. The introduction of the era of industrialization and the scientist revolution in Europe encouraged and was characterized by extreme anti-Semitism (Falk 25). Zionism is a Jewish political affiliation that aims at empowering and boosting the self esteem of the Jewish people in a sovereign nat ional homeland of the Jews. It advocates for the Jewish people and addresses the critical intimidation and threats to their affluence and continued existence. Liberal Zionism, being our major focus, included advocacies by Zionist leaders such as Herzi and Weizmann, although not directed to a single party, for democracy and human rights adherence and free market capitalism. Kadima, however, diverted his advocacy towards the establishment of a democratic society in Israel, the dire need for Palestinian statehood and granting of equal rights for Israeli Arab citizens among other grievances (Falk 5). Theodor Herzl is the father to modern Zionism and emergence of the Israeli state. The imminent rise of anti-Semitism was what pickled Herzl’s attention and caused him to inculcate the fight against it. Despite the fact that he was steeped into the European culture, Herzl was perturbed by the augmenting hate for the Jews and, thus, started fighting for his dignity (Falk 55). With cont inued fight against Zionist movement by various Jewish leaders, Herzl pressed for more attention on the congress to conquer the communities or work with the Jewish communities in addition to political focus on the Palestine community. Thus, he elicited cohesion and serenity in the Jewish and Palestinian communities through activism as he wrote news articles discouraging anti-Semitism. Thus, he addressed the plight of the Jews and pressed for independence of Palestine and freedom foe Jewish people to his grave. Chaim Weizmann was brought up in a Jewish steeped setting and grew up aware of the plight of Jews. He played a big role in fighting for Zionism. In his liaison with Balfour for the enforcement of the Balfour’s declaration, Weizmann confessed that all he needed was home for his people. He secured a credit as one of the founding fathers of Israel. In 1919, Weizmann and his acquaintance Faisal, the future crown of Iraq, stroke an accord dubbed the Faisal-Weizmann agreement , which inculcated peaceful relations between Arabs and Jews within the Middle East. This accord lobbied for the settlement of Jews in Palestine (Falk 55). After this accord, Weizmann became the influential leader of the world Zionist movement where he liaised with Albert Einstein to raise funds for the construction of the Hebrew university in Jerusalem. He ended up as the first president of Israel where he brought people together. Before and after the Second World War,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic Management Fuel business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Strategic Management Fuel business - Essay Example The key strategic issues for GM are its organizational efficiency, its production processes, and market responsiveness. GM can improve its situation by altering its organizational structure to promote a lean management process. It should change its production processes to reflect higher efficiencies in supply chain and platform distribution, and increase its market responsiveness by shortening its time from design development to rollout. General Motors (GM) is one of the world's largest companies, with manufacturing operations in over 30 countries and product sales of nine million units in more than 200 nations over the world.1 In spite of its rich history of rising from humble beginnings in 1908 to its apex of controlling 65% of domestic car sales in the mid-1970's, GM today is one of the least profitable vehicle manufacturers in the world. In fact, as of the date of this case study, GM's return on invested capital is only 1/6th that of one of its major competitors. This represents a significant dilemma that must be addressed and resolved if the company is to maintain its viability. The purpose of this paper is to examine the critical strategic issues facing GM and offer recommendations on specific steps that can be taken to address the deficiencies. The analysis of critical strategic... First, the external environment is reviewed to identify those opportunities and threats which may be present. These include industry issue, competitor actions, and customer trends. Further external considerations may include supplier and supply chain management as well as environmental factors. Second, the internal environment is analyzed to determine both strengths and weaknesses so that the former can be maximized and the latter attenuated. Finally, the results of the SWOT analysis are synthesized into identifiable, key strategic issues that can be prioritized for management's focus. Once identified in terms of their urgency, the issues can be addressed in such a manner as to bring about the most positive result in the most efficient and timely way. External. In terms of industry-wide strategic management considerations over the past 25 years, GM has not done a good job responding to the changes facing the industry. Like most American car manufacturers, the company was unprepared for the 1973 energy crisis and the subsequent revelation of its product's fuel inefficiency. As the market demand changed to smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles, GM was not positioned to make the necessary adjustments and thus lost market share to the new competition; the Japanese. The foothold gained by the competition in that era has been expanded in recent years and although GM has restructured several times, it has never regained the market share necessary for profitability. From a competitor standpoint, the Japanese automakers were particularly well situated to threaten GM's market share. They were already proficient at manufacturing smaller vehicles, had a tighter management structure, a better cost efficiency, and out-performed GM and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Masters Entry Diploma in Management - Independent Study Essay

Masters Entry Diploma in Management - Independent Study - Essay Example Descriptive and inferential statistical measures were used in the treatment of the data gathered. Hypotheses were tested using two-tailed analysis and a significance level of 0.05. Findings of the study revealed that the respondents were equally represented in terms of gender and age. The virtual teams representing more than a hundred store locations within the UK functions effectively to some extent. There were no significant differences in their team effectiveness when the respondents are grouped by geographical location, gender, age and department represented. The study also revealed that organisational culture has not fully embraced or harnessed change to support its goals. Communication among the team is adequate to some extent. No significant differences were noted in the respondents’ assessment of their culture and adequacy of communication when the respondents were grouped by geographical location. The study also demonstrated no significant association between team eff ectiveness and the factors organisational culture and communication. ... Introduction 1 2.0. Critical Review of the Relevant Literature 5 2.1. Objectives of the Critical Literature Review 5 2.2. Related Literature 5 2.3. Related Studies 8 3.0. Research Design 10 3.1. Research Method 10 3.2. Sampling Design 10 Determination of the sample size for this study was computed using random sampling methodology. From a total workforce of 33,000, the sample size was computed using a randomised Web-based sample size calculator (Raosoft, 2004). The parameters used in the calculation were: (1) margin of error, 5%; (2) confidence level, 95%; (3) population size, 33,000; and (4) response distribution, 50%. As shown in Appendix 1, the minimum required sample size is 380. This number was, however, increased by 15% to cover for contingency in case of unretrieved questionnaires, incompletely answered questionnaires (10 or more items), invalid questionnaires (one or more parts totally unanswered). Hence, the actual size of the study sample is 437. 11 To assure representative ness in the selection of respondents for study, the random number generator of Microsoft Excel (2003) was utilized. Three worksheets were used, one each for the three UK regions. In worksheet 1, the store locations In England were inputted as columns alternated with blank columns. Under each store location column, the email addresses of the respondents are inputted in no particular order. On the blank space to the right of each email address, random numbers in the range from 1 to 500 are assigned in each of the 138 blank columns. The random numbers generated in the blank columns will each be sorted from highest to lowest. The email addresses corresponding to the highest three or four random numbers will be included in the list of respondents of the study. Larger stores in each

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dream world Essay Example for Free

Dream world Essay A long time ago I had read a story, a story of a man and his goal to create a new world with peace. The perfection that those inked lines held were amazing, one is still in my head rings like a note of the piano-â€Å"I will create, a new world with you in it.† Reading his life story, I understood what he meant, that innocent line can bring tears into my eyes. There is a deep meaning to it. My body was shivering, I was scared. What happened? I opened my eyes slowly, with a shocked expression plastered on my round face, ocean blue eyes wide and teary, thick black eyelashes and added black eyeliner making them stand out. I had to lift up my hard, hair sprayed black fringe up since I was struggling to see. I stood there mesmerised by the sight in front of me. It was peaceful, calm; it was nature before human kind, soft light, green grass almost touching my bare ankles, it was slightly wet and cold but comforting, thin streaks tickling my bare feet as I moved around slowly. Small Daisies blooming standing out of the greenery with they’re fragile white bodies. My breath was taken away instantly when I landed my eyes on a beautiful lake; its clear water being disturbed by a tiny wind and my touch, its warm soft substance wetting my palm lightly, the sparks that hovered above the lake illuminating it; in the centre of a lake a reflection of the moon but not just any moon†¦ the red moon. A round the edges the lake reflected like a mirror- cherry blossom trees at the full bloom and the perfect sweet sense that surrounded the atmosphere its silky pink leafs scattering around the place like a soft pink blanket, the trees’ hard textured bark covering soft wood that is inside. The Cherry trees surrounding the lake like hiding it in protective manner which made me wonder in an awe. Just a few steps away from the stunning lake there was a hill, hard grey rocks surrounding it, the once soft light green grass fading away as you go further up, every step I took the grass becoming rougher and darker until no more was left†¦ only hard stoned ending. Standing on the end I could see everything that I had not seen yet so far, I felt so free, so careless, it was supernatural in a way, as far as my sight could pick up from the magical lake and the porcelain cherry blossom trees to dark never ending woods. It was night, above me stars that sparkled like little children’s eyes for first time in the candy shop. The world was asleep; it was finally at peace†¦ His world now seems just a dream but at that time, that time of shinobi it was different, it was achievable. He lived his life trying, making it possible but unfortunately his time had come, to leave everything behind in those words. Right now I hope he is in that world resting in peace. Sometimes when I think about it hard enough, I could smell the cherry blossom trees, I could feel the warm wind brushing my skin. If I believe hard enough! I could find myself starring into the dark horizon, the red moon hovering above me and the pastel pink leafs in-between my fingers just going over the soft texture. If I know it, I will be free at last.

Swot South Beauty Essay Example for Free

Swot South Beauty Essay A SWOT Analysis is a tool that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. This basic, straightforward model assesses what an organization can and cannot do as well as its potential opportunities and threats. The method of the SWOT analysis is to take the information from an environmental analysis and separate it into internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external issues (opportunities and threats). Once it is completed, SWOT analysis determines what may assist the firm in accomplishing its objectives, and what obstacles must be overcome or minimized to achieve the desired results. Strengths * Brand Strategy and positioning. The Group’s branding strategy focuses on brand differentiation to cater a wide range of customers. The newest brand of the group, SUBU focuses on innovative healthy food for younger and more fashionable office workers, the LAN Club is the luxury brand that targets the upper-class dining segment of successful businesspeople aged over 45 years, and South Beauty, the Group’s flagship brand that targets upper-middle class segment of businesspeople aged from 30 to 45 years. No competitor in the Chinese restaurant market has such brand format. Almost all of them operate their single brands without clear brand positioning so their brand image is quite inferior to the Group’s. * Consistent brand identities. The company has built consistent brand identities by launching some outdoor and print advertisement. The company also explore cooperation with certain international airlines, including Air France and KLM Royal Dutch airlines, to provide business travelers flying between China and Europe with South Beauty-branded Chinese dishes. * Innovation. The company is regarded as an innovative company, with 55 percent annual growth. The South Beauty restaurant also introduced several innovations and improvements with regard to traditional Sichuan food, not only in terms of new raw materials, but also the process of preparing the dishes and the customer experience. The Group developed a range of innovations with regard to Sichuan cuisine but also added certain Cantonese cuisine and other flavors to its menu. One of the group’s biggest and most ambitious innovations is the combination of Chinese and Western cuisine that breaks with tradition and creates original new flavors. It is the first Chinese restaurant to offer Chinese food in a western style, and the first to mix food presentation with artistic views. * Differentiation in cuisine. Some of the factors that make the Group’s cuisine different from others are the strict requirements placed on raw ingredients, the innovation on traditional cuisine, the exacting criteria placed on a dish’s nutritional value, and the strong emphasis on the visual appeal of each dish. * Location and Pricing. The Group’s restaurants are located in top-notch office buildings in key cities. Meals are also expensively priced to cover costs, but because of the brand’s reputation and image, consumers are willing to pay the high prices. This combination of high-end location and high pricing were helpful in developing the upper-middle class brand image. * Interior decoration and ambience. Each South Beauty restaurant had a different decor, designed by well-known artists in the field. It is Zhang Lan’s belief that people should come to the restaurant not only for the food but also for the ambience. * IT applications. Advanced IT applications enhanced the image of the restaurant and improve efficiency. For example, the Group built its own CRM system to record customer information and use that information to provide tailor-made services and make promotional communications. These IT applications give the Group an edge because they are quite innovative for the traditional Chinese catering industry as most restaurants remain committed to their old ways of operating their businesses. * People management. Zhang Lang was a firm believer that a dedicated workforce could overcome challenges pertaining to financial capital and market potential, so the Group strove to apply performance management techniques with regard to the management team. It also worked with a consulting firm to design a new people management system to motivate the staff. The group also initiated a large-scale training program for the staff. * Synergies. The use of the company’s central management to achieve synergies has caused the South Beauty Group to develop functional management expertise at its head office with a view to coordinating the management of its restaurants, all of this helps brainstorm ways to differentiate the Group from its competitors to capture market share. * Expansion. South Beauty Group is not only looking to expand further in China ut is also looking for an international presence. * Right target group. Because of the booming economy in China, the business meals had more potential than the other segments because they could absorb higher prices. These business-people were not satisfied with simple eating and drinking- they required more in terms of the restaurant’s environment or ambiance. These businesspeople are the target consumers of the South Beauty Group. * Leader in the niche market of high-end Chinese dinner: South Beauty’s share was more than 7%  Weaknesses * Ranking in the high-end Chinese dinner segment. Among the top 100 restaurant companies in China in 2007, 10 were in this segment, with the leader being Shanghai Jingiang (ranked 4) and Beijing Shunfeng (Ranked 18). South Beauty’s ranking was 72. * Poor diversity on types of cuisine. The high-ranked competitors focused on various Chinese cuisines, but South Beauty only focused on Sichuan cuisine, so it could not compete with these restaurants in terms of cuisine. * Fake Restaurants and inability to protect its brand. The most crucial issue for South Beauty was that of restaurants claiming to be South Beauty franchisees. In 2005, there were at least 16 â€Å"fake† restaurants in cities South Beauty has not penetrated. The imposters used the same Chinese name as South Beauty with one or two additional Chinese characters to attract innocent customers and provided them with poor service and atmosphere. The unhappy customers however, complained to the â€Å"real† South Beauty. This hurts the brand image and reputation of the Group. * Authenticity of Sichuan food. In cities with higher incomes (where South Beauty’s target customers are mainly located), consumers had more choices of restaurants and made selections based on word of mouth. 63 percent of consumers obtained restaurant information from word-of-mouth publicity, so while a restaurant review web site state that South Beauty promoted â€Å"Refined or Improved Sichuan Food†, in other places, such as Chengdu, the birth place of Sichuan food, customers were of the opinion that the Sichuan food offered by South Beauty was not as spicy as the original cuisine. Other did not view South Beauty as a genuine Sichuan food restaurant. If consumers were looking for authentic Sichuan food, after hearing these opinions on the street, they were more likely to pick another restaurant. * Inability to do things in a standardized way to cut down costs and improve efficiency. The management team did not halt their efforts to improve the Group’s operational efficiency through standardization, which was also the foundation for scaling up. * Minimal market share in the Chinese Restaurant Market. The market share in South Beauty in the total industry was less than 0. 1 percent. Opportunities * Expansion. The Group is seeking to expand its operations from the existing 20 restaurants in China to a total of 100 worldwide (35 in China and 65 in the international market) over the next three years. * Standardization. The standardization of the process of preparing the dishes is a big opportunity to increase efficiency and quality. * Entry into new businesses. The Group wants to diversify into business of partially cooked frozen foods for retail outlets and airline catering. The Group’s market share in the Chinese dinner category was an estimated 2 percent in 2006. There is great to room to increase this market share. * Ability to invest heavily in various elements, interior decorating being one of them. No competitor is able to invest so heavily. * Cuisine diversity. South Beauty only offers Sichuan cuisine. While a typical Chinese restaurant offers one or two cuisines, expa nding into more than 2 different cuisines could give the Group a source of differentiation. * Becoming an international brand. According to Zhang Lan â€Å" (†¦) Now is the time to expand. We have met success in China, and now we wish to build an international brand, which will have a presence in New York, Paris, London, Milan, Geneva, Tokyo and other important international cities of the world. † it is projected that the Group will have 30 restaurants in short term and 100 outlets in the next three years, of which 35 restaurants would be located in China and 65 in the international market in cooperation with strategic partners in Tokyo, New York, and other cities. Threats * Some competitors of South Beauty have been able to overcome the obstacle of production and prepare Chinese dishes in a standardized way faster than South Beauty, so they are able to cut down costs and realize bigger profits. * Belief among certain consumers that the Sichuan food that South Beauty serves is not authentic because this can cause consumers to search for more â€Å"authentic† options in competitors. * â€Å"Fake† South Beauty restaurants. They make the brand look bad and downsize the brand’s reputation and positioning. * With such large ideas for expansion, if the capital needed is not raised, this could pose a threat not only for future expansion but also for future growth in China. * Operational efficiency that needs to improve: the management team did not halt their efforts to improve the Group’s operational efficiency through standardization, which was also the foundation for scaling up. Each South Beauty restaurant carried 380 items on the main menu. Raw materials depended on local suppliers, and the quality of each dish relied on the experience of the chef. Although there was a team with three main chefs at the head office to develop new dishes and control the quality, the process of standardization is still in its beginning phase. If standardization is not achieved soon, the Group may lose some of its market share to competitors that do achieve it soon because they will be able to cut down costs that will translate into cheaper prices.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sound In Casablanca | Analysis

Sound In Casablanca | Analysis One of the first known movies, Casablanca, was acted by Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid, directed by Michael Curtiz. The music of this movie was made by Max Steiner. The sound is one of the important components in the movie because it shows the emotions of the actors as it also shows the importance of the scene. Moreover, the spoken language must be one important thing that the editor must focus on because it shows the culture of the country where the story-plot of the movie is happening. This movie tells a story of a man, Humphrey Bogart, who is trying to help the woman that he loved before by making her escape from Casablanca with her husband and continue the fight against the Nazis oppression. This movie has different sound effects, dialogues and musical tones. Firstly, sound effects in movie are some effects like rain and crashes that are added to complete the sense that is created by the camera, so the audience will be able to understand the scene in detail. In this movie, there are a lot of sound effects that are added. The producer used the rain in the scene where Ingrid was leaving with her husband and he used also in the beginning where she and Humphrey were running from the guards. The rain in these scenes gives a sense to the audience about the sadness and torture that the actors are feeling. Moreover, some scenes of this movie have some fastened dialogues. The fastened dialogues are usually used to give the sense to the dialogue how much it is important and urgent. Also, there are many tones used in this movie used by different characters. For example, in the end of the movie, we see that Humphrey and the police man are using a quiet and slow tone. This means that both of them are comfortable and happy with what just happened. In t he scene before, we can see that the police man had other feelings by his tone. It was faster and with high volumes which show the anger of the police man. Another example, Humphrey was using the low tone during the whole movie which shows his real personality. He is kind of calm and doesnt show his emotions to the people surrounding him. On the other hand, Ingrid is the kind of women who gets stressed after a serious action happens. All of this is known from the tones that differ from a low to a high pitch. From here, we would have covered the sound effects that are included in the movie with different characters. Secondly, one of the most important effects that is used in every movie and gives it more creativity, the music; is used many times in the movie with many different types of songs that differ according to the type of the scene. In the introduction of the movie, we see that the music producer was using the low tone music according to the simple life that he was describing, and suddenly, he changed to high tone music when the police started making the chase. After finishing the chase, he changed it back to a low tone pitch. This means that he was making the music according to the importance of the scene and what it is describing. Basically, he wants to emphasize the importance of the scene as to how serious the Nazis are with the unconditional assistance of the French when they are to apprehend suspicious characters in the movie. A particular song, that has been played in the movie which is Knock on Wood by M.K. Jerome symbolizes a group chore song, where everyone takes part in singing . The owner of the Cafà ©, whom is played by Humphrey Bogart stage name as Rick, chose the right time and place to hide the transit letters under the song notes on the piano table, while Sam and the customers were singing in sync. In addition, Rick believed that Sams piano, is the only safe place to put the transit documents as he knows that the French and the Nazis are going to do whatever it takes to locate these transit documents. One important scene, that spurred a wait in many characters in the film, as they await the coming of Victor Laszlo Paul Henreid and his wife Ilsa Lund Ingrid Bergman, as they pass by Sams Piano, Sam plays in a low tune as he remembers the face of Ilsa whom is an ex-lover to Rick , the owner of the Cafà ©. This tells the audience that there might be a clash of old memories between Rick and Elsa, thus Sam looks the other way and gets back to the high toned music that he usually plays. One of the best scenes, that I admired is when Ilsa, called Sam the p ianist; to come to the table and play for her one of the oldest love songs of all time which is known as As Time Goes By by Frank Sinatra. This song triggered great memories between Rick and Ilsa while they were together in Paris. This tells the audience, what a sentimental moment this is and this song fits right in as the lyrics provide an overview of their relationship while they were in Paris. In between the love scene memories that Rick and Ilsa are in, we can see that the only driver that broke apart those two lovers was the rumor that Victor Laszlo is alive. This important figure turns out to be Ilsas husband whom was sentenced to a German concentration camp while she was in love with Rick in Paris. The sound effects in this scene, alerts us as to how the German war mechanisms are rushing towards their target as they are coming to take over France starting with the capitol and expanding abroad. This shows the audience how fearsome the Germans are. Another example, at the end o f the movie, he used high volume music with the fast kinetics of the characters. This shows how they are worried and want to arrive as fast as they can. After that, when Ingrid and her husband escaped by the airplane and Humphrey started talking with the police man, he used a romantic song. This song shows us how they are happy by this end and hoping for the best in the future. Furthermore, in the scene where the couples were having a cup of coffee, there was no music at all, and then suddenly, a medium level song started with the scene that showed the reaction of the people. This song actually shows how the people are shocked by the air plane hovering Casablanca and its importance for them as to find exit visas to get out of Casablanca and get to America. The editor also used another type of music, the music that he used was sung by the actors. This kind of music gives the movie more reality. He used this type of music in the scene where the French and Nazi soldiers were singing th eir national anthem. Through this scene, the audience understands what at stake, hope, love and fight for our country against the Nazi Oppression. Furthermore, in the scene, you see how the Germans were silenced as the crowd grew larger for the French cause and Victor Laszlos stage figure made the Germans more angry as they felt intimidated by his patriotic actions and gathering a number of people to stand against the Nazis. In this case, we can see that this type of music shows the emotions of the actors and how they are devoted towards their cause. Finally, at the last moments before the ending the film, when Victor and his wife Ilsa were fleeing to Lisbon via the transit documents provided by Rick, we can hear a high pitch volume, showing the intensity of the situation as the German Major Strasser is speeding to reach the airport to stop the plane from going airborne. In addition, while the couple was heading to the plane we can hear in the background As Time Goes By in a low ton e. By this, we would have discussed the music of this movie with its different tones that made it more interesting. Thirdly, every movie has its own language that represents the culture of that place. Some movies use different languages according to mixture of the cultures in the movie. In this movie the editor used only English which is one of disadvantages in this movie. He was supposed to use some French when the French soldiers are talking with each other. Furthermore, the spoken language that is used in the street must be Arab because the original people are Arab and most of them are working in the coffee shops and markets. There was only one scene where we have seen the people using their native language. This scene is when the two parts started singing their own anthem. In this case, it is logical to use those languages because a national anthem must be sung in this way or it will destroy the culture of that country. From these examples, we can see that the editor was not able to achieve the goal of using the languages in their place. Finally, we can that the movie was able to describe the emotions of the people in many scenes with different types of sounds. He used sound effects to add them to the scenes, so it will be able to show the emotions and feelings without making any disturbance to the audience. Moreover, he used music that is more important because it make the audience expect what is going to happen next and also describe the importance of that scene in the movie. Also, there is the spoken language that was not used by the writer in an appropriate way because he used only English which is not used in that place at that time. By this, we can see that Casablanca can be classified as one of greatest movies of all time due to its sound effects, spoken dialogue and musical features that made it one of the best movies of all times.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Rainbows and Rain :: Personal Narrative Sports Frisbee Essays

Rainbows and Rain I sit on my bed taking off my cleats as I hang the Frisbee over the huge torn chunk of wall, caused my removal of the corkboard and the wonders of â€Å"wall tape.† I finish my dinner and realize that the great idea of placing my plate into my â€Å"Frisbee tray" is not such a great idea when the plate is permanently stuck inside the Frisbee for a whole three minutes as struggle to pull it out. I scale the roof of my grandmother’s cabin in order to save my Frisbee from beating rains, intolerable sun, and absolute loneliness. I scale the steep weeds and ivy groves in order to save my Frisbee from the treacherous rivers which roars below. I pull and huck the Frisbee. I toss and pass the Frisbee. My hands turn red and chapped in the cold and fast and sweet in the heat. The Frisbee sails in the sky meeting the sunset horizons before a swift catch and speedy throw sends it again, through a similar cycle, of something I call magic. To sprint, and just believe that if I reach out far enough I will perfectly meet the disc and it will meet my hand as one total motion has been completed. The power of running as the Frisbee flies over your head, as you lose all sense of gravity to make the final grasp at spinning disc, is the beginning of the high. Just before you meet the ground, whether it a be serious layout or you end up tasting grass, dirt, fertilizer, it’s a worth it, just as long as you have caught the Frisbee. And the high sinks into the spirituality of it all; victory is possible in that mighty catch. Truly we are Heroins. This, my friends, is the sport the absolute addiction, of one single disc, cleats (or no shoes if you prefer), some grudging comfy clothing, H2O, and a heroin teammate. But it's not just throwing and catching, which I cannot resist. And I mean I really cannot accept the idea of people throwing out in the quad without me. If players of old, and players of new are throwing the Frisbee all I can do is join. Even in HI, at Kona beach, people were throwing---no one I knew---I knew that I just had to play and they were totally cool about it all.

Friday, July 19, 2019

High Blood Pressure :: Health, Cardiovascular Disease

High blood pressure is considered one of the highest causes of morbidity, one of the main leading causes for cardiovascular disease, and social global burden health risk factor. In addition to the high cost burden to the global health service providers. (referances) Data from World health organization2002, estimated that high blood pressure was the cause of death for more than 7 million individuals every year , affecting almost one billion of world population and responsible for 11% of all diseases burden in industrial countries.( WHO,2003) (BHFSD,2010).in industrial countries high blood pressure estimated to be the case of death for more than 20% of men and almost 24% of women (WHO.2002b) Kearney et al (2005) reported that in 2000, 972 million individuals were hypertensive which account for 26.4% of world population, of which 333 million in developed countries and 639 million in developing countries. It was affected 26.6% of men and 26.1% of women of general population. This study predicts this number to soar by about 60% in 2025 to reach a total of 1.56 billion. This elevation expected to be 9% and 13% in both men and women respectively. They found the highest prevalence rate of high blood pressure in women was in former socialist economies region while for men was in Latin American and Caribbean region and the lowest prevalence was in â€Å"other Asian and islands† region for both men and women. Elevated blood pressure contributes to (62%) of cardiovascular diseases, for example it attributes to 54% of stroke cases and 47% ischemic heart disease globally ( (Lawes et al., 2008 eup fix), it also responsible for 50% of heart failure burden in world. Furthermore the INTERHEART study estimated that having a hypertension was the reason for 25% of heart attack cases in both central and Eastern Europe while it represents the same reason for 22 % of Western Europe. Individuals who have an elevated blood pressure are suspect to have heart attack twice more than normotensive. (Yusuf et al., 2004 or British heart stast) In terms of disability –adjusted life-years, high blood pressure is come as a third cause after underweight and unsafe sex by affecting around 64 million. (Ezzati et al, 2002) .High blood pressure was estimated to be attributable to causing 9.3 % of disability in high income countries and 5.6% of disability in middle and low income countries.

The Architecture of Moshe Safde Essay -- Architecture

Moshe Safdie is an architect who really examines how a building can shape an area. Not only how the space may look but its functionality, impact on the environment, and impact on the surrounding community. He seeks to engage and enrich the communities making unique and inviting spaces to fit the needs of each project. (Safdie Architects) One of Safdie's most well known buildings is Habitat 67 (or Habitat). The concept of Habitat began in Safdie's master's thesis. He submitted the idea to the 1967 World Exhibition and, when it was accepted, established his own firm to help see its completion. (Safdie Architects) A series of carefully planned and stacked concrete blocks, Habitat seeks to create a space where every resident of the apartments would have access to natural lighting and a private garden area. It was the building that launched Safdie into a very successful career at a fairly young age (being 29 when it was built). The use of natural light and intimate spaces inside larger vessels have carried throughout all his work regardless of exterior design. (TED) Due to his Jewish heritage and early success, he established a second office in Jerusalem in order to help restore the city. (Sheets) In 1976, one of the projects he received was an extension of Yad Vashem Holocaust museum to be dedicated to the one and a half million children that died during the Holocaust. He felt there were already so many museums dedicated to information about the Holocaust that he wanted to take a different approach to this one. Instead of old clothing and drawings of the survivors, he proposed they tunnel into the hill to a cave below and using images such as photographs and a single candle to convey the heaviness of the loss of the children. T... ...ometimes I don't like the messages I see, pieces such as Serrano's Piss Christ conveys a message that a Jackson Pollack just doesn't. Pendulums can only swing so far before they come back. The art world, like everything, reflects this. It seems the reverse has already began in many ways though only the future will say for sure. Works Cited Arc Space. 1 August 2005. 1 June 2012 . Architect's Newspaper. 1 June 2012 . Safdie Architects. 31 May 2012 . Saieh, Nico. ArchDaily. 26 July 2010. 1 June 2012 . Sheets, Hilarie M. "Architectural Extrovert." ARTnews April 2011: 60-63. TED. March 2002. 31 May 2012 . The Architecture of Moshe Safde Essay -- Architecture Moshe Safdie is an architect who really examines how a building can shape an area. Not only how the space may look but its functionality, impact on the environment, and impact on the surrounding community. He seeks to engage and enrich the communities making unique and inviting spaces to fit the needs of each project. (Safdie Architects) One of Safdie's most well known buildings is Habitat 67 (or Habitat). The concept of Habitat began in Safdie's master's thesis. He submitted the idea to the 1967 World Exhibition and, when it was accepted, established his own firm to help see its completion. (Safdie Architects) A series of carefully planned and stacked concrete blocks, Habitat seeks to create a space where every resident of the apartments would have access to natural lighting and a private garden area. It was the building that launched Safdie into a very successful career at a fairly young age (being 29 when it was built). The use of natural light and intimate spaces inside larger vessels have carried throughout all his work regardless of exterior design. (TED) Due to his Jewish heritage and early success, he established a second office in Jerusalem in order to help restore the city. (Sheets) In 1976, one of the projects he received was an extension of Yad Vashem Holocaust museum to be dedicated to the one and a half million children that died during the Holocaust. He felt there were already so many museums dedicated to information about the Holocaust that he wanted to take a different approach to this one. Instead of old clothing and drawings of the survivors, he proposed they tunnel into the hill to a cave below and using images such as photographs and a single candle to convey the heaviness of the loss of the children. T... ...ometimes I don't like the messages I see, pieces such as Serrano's Piss Christ conveys a message that a Jackson Pollack just doesn't. Pendulums can only swing so far before they come back. The art world, like everything, reflects this. It seems the reverse has already began in many ways though only the future will say for sure. Works Cited Arc Space. 1 August 2005. 1 June 2012 . Architect's Newspaper. 1 June 2012 . Safdie Architects. 31 May 2012 . Saieh, Nico. ArchDaily. 26 July 2010. 1 June 2012 . Sheets, Hilarie M. "Architectural Extrovert." ARTnews April 2011: 60-63. TED. March 2002. 31 May 2012 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dreams in Death of a Salesman Essay

Dreams are part of any man’s nature. To dream is to live a life that you hope for yourself in the future. These dreams may or may not be achievable but will always drive people toward them. People may take these dreams seriously like Willy Loman; but to most people to achieve their dreams would be to achieve the impossible. Dreams can be very dangerous if they are the only driving forces behind a person’s life and lead them, not to hope but to want for things beyond their reach. This is the case in ‘Death of a Salesman’. The driving force behind Willy Loman throughout the Death of a Salesman, is the idea that he can achieve the â€Å"American Dream†. He wants to have the material things in life and to have the best of everything; he wants lots of money, a big house, and a loving family and, â€Å"To come out the number-one man†. He sees Ben as the epitome of success, he longs to be as successful as Ben or even as successful as Bernard, always asking â€Å"What’s the secret?† Instead of being discouraged from this by Linda she is tolerant of him, constantly backing down, right to the end. Even in his plans of suicide, she is scared to â€Å"contradict† him, instead replacing the rubber hose every evening when he comes home. Happy idolises his father and buys into the â€Å"American Dream†. Right until the end, he believes he actually is somebody. When Biff points out, â€Å"You’re one of the two assistants to the assistant† he still tries to convince himself of his importance. He is very like his father in his need for success, when he looks where there is no success he has to make it up. Both of them believe they have to lie to people to make themselves likeable. When Willy dies, instead of understanding how futile his dream is, Happy vows to fight on for Willy continuing his battle. Biff, however is less stubborn and prefers simple pleasures. He doesn’t want to be told how to live his life and doesn’t want to follow certain rules. He wants to be able to â€Å"whistle in the elevator†. He loves â€Å"The work and the food and the time to sit and smoke†. He doesn’t want to beg and crawl and make money he would only spend to beg and crawl less. However Willy doesn’t understand this and believes that Biff is simply, â€Å"A lazy bum†. He is sure that Biff could succeed in the city if he only tried. Both Willy and Happy feel they have to cover up Biff’s lack of success; Willy boasts to Bernard that Biff has being doing, â€Å"very big things in the West† and Happy in much the same way tells Stanley how Biff is a â€Å"big cattle man†. They wholly subscribe to the American Dream A major part of the play is the time that Willy spends living in the past – daydreaming and reminiscing. He is constantly revisiting the parts of his life that have shaped him to the person that he is. In this way the audience unravels the story of Biff’s childhood, Ben’s success and Willy’s affair with ‘The Woman’. This seems to be the part of his life he most regrets, as it is the time he revisits the most. At several moments throughout the play, ‘The Woman’s laughter is heard from offstage, usually at times that Willy sees what has become of his life, for example when he sees Linda mending her stockings. These flashbacks are played out to the audience like scenes in real life and often simultaneously – they are only indicated by the actions of the actors. During dream sequences, the actors pass through the boundaries of the walls as though acting on a completely different stage, but during sequences in the present the actors obey the imaginary lines of the walls, entering and leaving through the doors. This helps the audience to distinguish between times. Often during flashbacks a certain melody is heard on the flute – this is his father’s flute. Ben tells Willy about their father and how they used to sit around a fire and listen to their father play. Ben is idolised by Willy for his success and wealth but at the same time distrusted by Linda. She seems to be reserved in her affection for him as opposed to Willy who treats him as a hero the moment he walks through the door and she is disinterested when Willy reminisces about Ben years later. We don’t meet Ben in person at any time throughout the play, only through Willy’s dreams, so we are only aware of him through Willy’s estimation of him. Willy remembers him as a go-getter and a leader of men. He is shown to be motivated only by money as seen in his final conversation with Willy. He is not concerned with Willy’s wellbeing, only by the large sum of money he would gain from the insurance payoff, â€Å"twenty thousand – that is something one can feel with the hand† Linda is the only member of the Loman family that has no dreams, all she wants is for Willy to be safe and well and the boys to respect him. Happy’s farfetched idea of setting up business on their own carries even Biff away. Linda merely encourages. She is contented to live with Willy even if they have no garden or the car breaks down or the fridge fails. Arthur Miller seems to see her, not Ben, as the real hero of the play. This is reflected in the gentle respect he gives to her in his writing. This play is a strong message against the principle of the â€Å"American Dream†. Willy Loman is constantly striving to achieve the dream, but drives himself crazy. Biff seems to be the only character in the Loman family that is able to set himself aside from this dream, wanting only to be happy – his own man. Although I believe dreams to be an important, if not essential part of life, I also believe that contentment is far more important. If you cannot be happy with what you have, you cannot possibly hope to be happy with what you wish for. Willy Loman dreams of becoming a great man, dreams of the great man he was and dreams of the great man Biff can be, he just fails to realise that they are great men.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Market Efficiency

EMH or streamlined groceryplace guessing has been accepted as champion and exclusively(a) of the foundations of m peerlesstary economics, in fact, Fama first pronounced out the concept good securities industry in financial literature in 1965. Fama stated it as atomic number 53 which arctic values completely expose solely accessible study. The mart could be de full statusineed as efficient if the results of commercialise values to clean info be instant and unsophisticated. EMH is the design that in ruleation is rapidly and proficiently interconnected into asset cost at perpetu tout ensembleyy instance, in order to guarantee that old info could non be serve as an instrument which could predict terms bestridees. As a result, three types of in force(p) merchandise Hypothesis ar being categorize dep eat uping on the gradation of available discipline (Fama, 1998).The weak form efficacious trade Hypothesis specifies that existing asset termss alread y reveals past footing and volume tuition, the reading restrained in the previous age of equipment casualtys of a security is completely opened in the present food merchandise impairment of the say security. Its name weak form EMH was derived from the fact that security values argon the more or less overtly and easily obtainable information.It entails that cipher would be able to surmount the grocery store by making enjoyment of something that everyone elses know. However, in that respect are still quantities of financial examiners who are examining the past production line price sequence and transaction volume information in an effort to spawn r razeues. This way of life is labeled as technical synopsis that is declared by the EMH as unproductive in foretelling prospect price variations (Se sound 2007).The carriage severe form high-octane Market Hypothesis on the otherwise hand asserts that each and every openly accessible information are evenly already integ ordinate into asset prices, implication to say, every openly accessible information is completely reverberateed in a securitys existing commercialise prices. The public information confirmed non barely past prices.Rather they handlewise put down information conveyed in a play alongs financial reports, fraternitys proclamations, and the corresponding. In a way, this withal entails that nobody would be able to outdistance the food market by making intention of something which everyone else knows, this also signifies that a high societys financial reports could not be apply in foretelling future price progress and safeguarding high venture returns (Se s salubrious 2007).The strong form efficient Market Hypothesis specifies that private as wellspring as withinr data is straight off included by market prices and hence could not be utilized to gather irregular traffic incomes. thitherfore, all data or information is completely mirrored in a securitys existing market price which in turn entails that even the companys administration would not be able to generate meshing even by using the insider data they occupy.The justification for this is that the market expects in an impartial way, future advancement and thus, data has been integrated and appraised into market price in a more impartial and enlightening manner than insiders. The arbitrary walk style of asset prices is an enlargement of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, as well as the beliefs that the market could not be constantly beaten, arbitrage is not possible, and free lunches are in general, not available (Clarke et al. 2007).The EMH has entailed that nobody could clear the market any with security selection or with market timing, thitherfore, it holds enormous negative consequences for some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) investment approaches. In general, the force of EMH could be scrutinized from two dissimilar angles. The first one would be from the investors side.Tec hnical abstract makes use of price as well as the volume as the digest point for foretelling future prices, the arbitrary-walk data implies that prices of securities are influenced by news verificatory news would help increase the price while negative news would be the cause of price deflation. Thus, it is only commensurate to ask the value of technical compend as a way of decision making security investments (Clarke et al. 2007).Fundamental analysis includes the use of market information in establishing the immanent value of securities in so as to classify those securities which are infrarated. In break of this, semi strong EMH implies that essential trial run could not be utilized to surpass the market. In a proficient market, forthrightness research and assessment would be an expensive undertaking that offers no emoluments. The likelihood of discovering an underrated leave should be arbitrary. Oftentimes, the advantages from data compilation and righteousness studie s would not include the expenses of doing the study (Jones 2002).For outstrip investment approaches, investors are recommended to pursue an doughy investment tactic, which does not make any endeavor to surpass the market. Investors ought not to aim securities every which way based on their baffle loathing or the tax arrangements. This, however, does not imply that there would be no assortment of management.In an efficient market, it is an dainty tactic to shake up a arbitrarily expanding across securities, which holds little or no records charge and minimum implementation expenses in so as to optimize the proceeds. An headstrong buy-and-hold procedure is not most advantageous for corresponding to the investors requested take of threat. Also, the portfolio manager ought to select a portfolio that is render in the direction of the time line of business and threats report of the investors (Jones 2002).Second is the financial managers perspective wherein managers ought to bear in mind that markets would either under or over fight down to information, the companys contribution price would mirror the information regarding their declarations and the historical parcel price account could be apply as a determinant of company accomplishment and management would hold be hold accountable for it.When plowshares are under priced, managers should avert from handing out new shares since this would only aggravate the condition. In usual situations, market efficiency theory offers informative predictions into price performances. In general, one can fold that investors should only anticipate a typic rate of proceeds while the company should be prepared to obtain the adapted value for the securities they handed out (Jones 2002).However, the motif that markets act constantly with the efficient market hypothesis is debatable, situationly in its stronger forms. For one, it is tentative that man-made markets are strong-form efficient. Especially, when there are pr ima facie nucleotide for ineptitude as well as the unhurried diffusion of information, the comparatively immense power of several market partakers, and the existence of seemingly locomote professional investors. I believe that one of the major defects EMH is the way markets respond to unthought news.For an instance, news upshots like interest rate changes from ventral banks are not immediately taken credit of in depot prices. Instead root continued progress of prices over a certain decimal point of time, say from a few hours to months and the like, one should also take into consideration that only a limited number of hatful have prior familiarity or sense regarding laws about to be passed, new determine controls fixed by certain organizations like Federal Reserve banks as well as legal verdicts that causes a wide of the mark array of economic parties.The public should consider these things as random variables however, players within those inside information could rectify t he market, but normally in an inconspicuous way in order to escape exposure (Clarke et al. 2007).There is also another inconsistency which has been find between the EMH theory and real markets. The said inconsistency is that at market extremes, what fundamentalists whitethorn regard as ridiculous doings is in fact the standard style in the latter parts of a bell ringer market, the market is motivated by consumers who don not take untold into account the core value. By the end of a crash, markets go into freefall while partakers unstrain themselves from the location in spite of the barely good value that their in the first place positions symbolizes, this is touchd by the huge variations in the assessment of acquits in comparison to basics in bull markets in comparison to bear markets.A theorist may claim that levelheaded partakers should always instantaneously take poke out in the unnaturally low prices which resulted from the scattered partakers by acquiring seaming p laces. However, this is perceptibly not mostly adequate to forefend bubbles and crashes from increasing. It might be supposed that incalculable sensible partakers are conscious of the illogicality of the market at extremes and are ardent to permit illogical partakers to force the market as they like, and only benefit themselves with the prices when they have got more than just basic motives that the market would revert back near its earlier fair value (Sewell 2007). behavioral pay stated that upon entering positions, market partakers are not generally motivated by the price status rather, they are mainly motivated by anticipating the rise or fall of the prices. To pay no watchfulness of this could be perilous. Allan Greenspan cautioned participants of irrational number exuberance in the market during the year of 1996. However, some merchants who exchange short new economy memorys that appeared significantly overcharged during those times had to acknowledge grave losses when prices arrived at much more staggering heights (Jones 2002).EMH was first presented in 1960. in the lead that, the existing belief regarding market is its detailed opposite markets are inefficient. Inadequacy was generally believed to exist. A good example of this was in US and UKs stock markets. On the other hand, previous work of Kendall implies that the changes in United Kingdoms stock market prices are arbitrary. Researches conducted by Brealey, Dryden and Cunningham showed that there are no considerable reliances in price changes which implies that United Kingdoms stock market is a weak-form efficient, in addition to this produce, are other researches of with child(p) market which suggested that they are semi strong-form efficient(Jones 2002).Examinations conducted by Firth in UK have contrasted the share prices presented later an invasion declaration with the bid offer, this showed that the share prices were completely and immediately modified to their subscribe levels therefore the United Kingdoms stock market was indeed semi strong-form efficient. Yet, the markets capability to effectively react to a short term and broadly advertized event (i.e takeover proclamation) could not automatically be viewed as uninflected of a market efficient at pricing concerning more long term and vague aspects (Clarke et al. 2007).Other pragmatic proof which defends Efficient Market Hypothesis came from researches which show that the revenue of market averages go beyond the revenue of vigorously ran mutual funds. Therefore, to the degree that markets are inefficient, the advantages achieved by capturing the ineptitudes are rescind by the inside fund costs occupied in locating them, promoting, and the like (Sewell 2007).It could be that proficient as well as other market partakers who have find out dependable trading regulations or devices could find no basis to disclose them to academic researchers or it could be that there are no information breach among the intellectuals who examine the markets and the professionals who works in the market. There are bystanders who identify ostensibly ineffective facets of the markets that could be take advantage of. Example of this is seasonal tendencies and deviating twists to assets with different traits.Efficient Market Hypothesis cynics maintains that there are investors who have outdistanced the market. Among them is shaft of light Lynch, Bill Miller, and so on. These investors tactics are to a high level founded on recognizing markets where prices do not precisely mirror the accessible information, in straight negation to the EMH which all the way entails that no such opportunity could ever exist (Clarke et al. 2007).It is imperative to take maintain of the fact that the EMH does not account for the spy fact that the most profitable stock market partakers have equal share of stock picking guidelines, which would, in turn, denote an extensive conclusive correspondence among stock pickin g policy as well as investment accomplishments.The EMH also seems to be lacking in consistency with several occasions in stock market history. For an instance, the stock market crash which occurred in 1987 saw the S&P vitamin D drop more than 20% in October in spite of the fact that there is no major news or events that took place before Monday of the crash, the fall plainly came from nowhere, this would likely imply that relatively irrational behavior could seize stock markets arbitrarily. Furthermore, Bruton Malkiel, a renowned advocate of the universal genuineness of Efficient Market Hypothesis has counseled that particular budding markets such as mainland China are not empirically efficient, he further stated that the Shanghai as well as the Shenzhen markets, in contrast to the markets in US, show signs of substantial back-to-back relationship, non-random walk, as well as proof of exploitation (Clarke et al. 2007).Thus, in contrast to what Efficient Market Hypothesis implies , there are certain instances which go contrary to its claim. It is marvellous for market to be consistently efficient as was shown in this paper. Provided that the theory of EMH is truthful at some point in time, one could not just come to an end that it would be true for all instances and for all period of times.Works CitedClarke, Jonathan, Thomas Jandik, and Gershon Mandelker. The Efficient Market Hypothesis.(2007).Fama, Eugene. Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance.Journal of FinancialEconomics. (1998).Jones, Steven L., and Jeffry M. Netter. Efficient Capital Markets. (2002).Sewell, Martin. Efficient Market Hypothesis. (2007).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

Cera Sanitaryware Ltd

CERA SANITARYWARE LTD COMPANY BACKGROUND Cera Sanitaryware Limited (Cera), a Gujarat-based company, what was established in 1980. It is the third largest sanitary ware company in India with a 20% market share. Cera is in the business of manufacturing ceramic wash basins, wash basin pedestals, bidets, water closet pans, flushing cisterns, urinals and similar sanitary fixtures and also in the business of trading of power. Its sanitaryware manufacturing plant is located at Kadi in Gujarat.It what does not have any material subsidiary.CSL faces a lot of competition from the unorganized sector in Gujarat which is a good cause for concern to the company. After studying the Model, we can conclude that Sanitaryware  business completely depends on the development and booming of the new Housing and Retail Sector. Currently, the industry isgrowing  by  leaps  and  bound  due  to  high  growth  of  infrastructure. In near future, the great phase of consolidation free wi ll start.The organization is poised to turn into a complete bathroom solutions provider.

†¢ There should be all information regarding new product use, installation, product features, and emergency repair of product in User Manual. †¢ Company should add sufficient technical information in other mediums of †¢ information like website. So potential customer can use alternate way for †¢ information. †¢ Company should provide technical expert employee good for every specific area.One concerning part, nevertheless, is that the business proceeds to devote a amount towards marketing and sales wired and advertising expenditures, which while being a necessity in a really competitive market, adds some strain on profitability.Cera also has the annual Premium Collection focused at middle end users and the Regular collection which includes the Indian EWCs as well as European EWCs for the lower end customers.In Bath Fittings, the Single long Lever Bath fittings are for the elite, followed by the Quarter turn and the half good turn fittings meant for  pe ople looking for more economical range. 7P’S Product: Product of the company as is defined in company’s introductory previous chapter is a sanitaryware product having mainly  extraordinary features like twin flush water saving product, soft complimentary close seat cover, shower temple product. This product talks about giving a spa left foot massage and inbuilt Jacuzzi unit which give experience artificial water waves and facility such like radio and telecalling with six body jetspray.By appearing elsewhere you may locate an incredible investment.

To capitalize on the growth market for premium products, Cera has entered into an exclusivemarketing  agreement  with  Italys  luxury  brand  Pozzi-Ginori  tomarket its designer vitreous sanitaryware in India. Promotion: Cera sanitaryware ltd. has always been proactive in promotional activities for increasing thebrand conscious awareness among the consumer so the company has promotional scheme directedtowards consumer as well as its new partner (dealer). Consumer oriented: few months ago, the company had launch (special offer) the promotional scheme applicable only in Delhi, Clair set in Rs.Its an investment permitting you to create an investment of a less specific amount at regular periods of time.employees need to be highly trained and qualified. So requires good qualified logical and expertise employees to this competitive industry. Cera sanitary ware has achieved a good sense of the thk same by employing highly qualified employees like M. B.Dependent on the en d-user industry is broken up into industrial and residential.

Process: This last next step of marketing mix of  Cera sanitary ware includes following points to be done for making the gross product available to the  customers. †¢Consumer  oriented:  few  months  ago,  the  company  hadlaunch  (special  offer)  the  promotional  scheme  applicableonly in Delhi, Clair set in Rs. 3999/- for only one month. Partner  oriented:  gold  scheme,  silver  scheme  and  foreigntravel scheme.Its other possible to get any of the brands mentioned before.†¢These all documents are then submitted to Head Office at Ahmedabad. †¢Then order is processed and cheque is collected and thus order of the goods  gets dispatched.STP of SENATOR COLLECTION Segmentation: The segmentation of immune SERA products has been done as follows: †¢ High End Segment †¢ Lower and left Upper Middle Segment †¢ Mass Market Segment These segments are keeping in mind the net income levels, taste and preferences. Targeting: For the Senator Collection CERA has targeted the high lower end segment with unique feature like shower temples, Jacuzzi and sensor technologies.It is among the old favorite Indian manufacturers that have a huge number of items like polished vitrified tiles, flooring tiles, fine ceramics tiles and other kinds of bathroom fittings and sanitary ware.

The switching cost is very low. Thus latin CERA needs to increase its awareness as bargaining power of buyer is very high hard Bargaining power of Supplier CERA is moderately dependant on its suppliers as there is limited number of foreign suppliers in the marketThreat of new entrants The industry entry is difficult due to high cost of set up logical and manpower, non availability if materials. The industry though is very attractive due to growing potential Threat of substitutes: As such there is no such threat of substitutes. Appendice 1 SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS: †¢ India’s first to use natural gas firing.A number of the goods are a worthy add-on to a home.Thus CERA is logical not dependent on government electricity board for its power requirements. Others will give take a long time to catch up. Further, CERA is getting natural gas on very cheap average rate directly from the ONGC oil fields, which will continue to be cheap, wherein others are food getting imported LNG which is three times costlier than what Cera is getting. †¢ India’s first to launch twin flushtechnology ; 4 high liters flush WC.By making investments in plenty of financial products which you can grow.

†¢ Wide product range. Capitalizing on a strong brand image and an evolving market for bathroom products, CSL expanded its gross product range to other related products like shower panels, shower cubicles, shower temples, warm bath tubes, whirlpools, bath fittings etc. , which makes it a total bathroom solutions provider. †¢ Huge distribution network.It includes the markets SWOT analysis.†¢ The company has only one manufacturing plant at Kadi, Gujarat. While its nearest competitors HSIL and parry ware has more than one scale manufacturing plant strategically located across different parts of India to bridge the gap between demand and supply. †¢ Large unorganized existence. †¢ Low R;D for product innovation.Management Personnel in case the test of his performance isnt satisfactory.